One of the things we absolutely love about this hospital is that the patient and family pick the nursing staff that works with you. You get to pick a primary nurse who is the head of your care team and each nurse is only allowed to be the primary on one patient team. Additionally, you pick three nurses for each of the three shifts worked each day. It's such a great program. We had Erin six of the eleven nights last time Daylon was admitted and we loved her. We chose her to be are primary nurse and it's working out great. She's familiar with Daylon and his bath routine which is so wonderful!! Daylon just thinks she great, so we love that of course. She's very attentive to our family and really keeps on top of Daylon's medical status. Plus, she's willing to sing during his dressing changes!! It so nice to work with the same few nurses and build up a comfort level with them. I feel like I can go to them with any problem and because they know and care about Daylon, they work immediately to resolve whatever problem is at hand.
Brian had the kids all day today and most of yesterday. I'm so impressed with how well he's handled all four kids. Taking four little ones out is no easy me! He took Violet (and the other kids) to the doctors yesterday to get her staples removed. He said she was a tough little girl and didn't even make a peep. What a blessing! Tomorrow starts a new, more intense form of chemo. We'll let you know how it goes! Giddy-up!
So many pointy things so close to his skin!
Tell Brian I said he's a rock star! I miss you guys fiercely. I'm glad Daylon is still our awesome little trooper. I'm stoked you get to pick your nurses! I wish I had that luxury when I was in the hospital! Hug the munchkins for me. Love you! ~~Auntie Jess
Thats awesome you get to pick nurses!!! So glad Daylon loves the nurses too..... Good luck with the chemo today!! Thinking of you guys!
Sounds like some circadian Rhythms are getting skewed. Lol. I remember being shocked in the hospital with one of our little ones that Sesame Street was on at 3 A.M.
I love Daylon's smile in this picture!! I'm so happy you have wonderful nurses!! I think of your family all the time :) I'm glad I can follow how Daylon and you all are doing!! You're in my prayers!!
Nurse Tanya
I can personally attest to how amazing Brian is with the kids as I watch him selflessly care for them at the Ronald McDonald House every day. He gives them both simultaneous and individual attention at the same time, and they never deem lacking for it. In addition, Brian never seems fazed by the non-stop input coming from 4 kids under 5 years of age. Jennifer, you have one fantastic husband and your kids have one amazing dad. You can focus ALL your attention and energy on Daylon (he heeds it!) and know with confidence that everything is fine back here at RMH. See you Tuesday!
Hi Jen: Just checking in to see how your adorable son is doing. What a wonderful smile he has. Daylon will surely be a heart breaker when he is in high school. Please give him a gentle hug and kiss for me. Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way. Love Leah's Nana
Hi! I'm Matt Williams' aunt, Jonah's great aunt, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of and praying for you and Daylon! You guys are so strong, and Daylon is adorable. Keep the faith! I look forward to following your story!
I do not know you or your family...but ever since I saw your story on I wanted so badly to help your family. My family and friends and I attended the Walk-a-thon and had a great time. I have been trying to find updates on your story on the internet but wasn't sucessful until yesterday. This blog is beautiful! Daylon's smile in this picture is so precious! I think about him all the time and have wondered what has been happening within the last couple months and I'm so glad that I found this website!!! Praying and thinking of your family always! I hope the transplant today goes well with no complications and that both Daylon and Caleb recover quickly. :)
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